Nationally, Democrats are attempting to seize the political high ground as the party of political reform. Given the decadence of Congressional Republicans during their tenure, Democrats have been presented with a magnificent opportunity to make their case. I ultimately would like to see Republicans recapture the majority, but for the sake of the nation I wish Democrats well - if only for the hope that moral integrity returns to Washington. I am not confident that it will (there is too much at stake given the size and scope of the federal government - see more on my thoughts
here). But, as an eternal optimist I remain hopeful. (Those who know me are laughing out loud).
True Political Reform – Impartial Redistricting
In California Democrats have been presented with an opportunity to demonstrate that they are committed to ethics and political reform, and they can do this with the help of Republicans. Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines introduced
Assembly Constitutional Amendment 4 on Monday, the opening day of the biennial legislative session. ACA 4 provides for an independent citizens commission to draw the boundaries for California’s Assembly, Senate and Congressional districts thereby taking the process out of the hands of state legislators who, by definition, suffer a conflict of interest when drawing their own district boundaries.
The Governor, with whom Democrats have enjoyed great “bi-partisanship”, held a press conference on Tuesday to call for reform of the redistricting process, and introduce his own impartial redistricting
proposal. “We must bring competition back into the political process to guarantee that our elected leaders represent the full diversity of California and the will of the people,” said Gov. Schwarzenegger. “This is exactly the kind of political reform I promised the people of California when I became Governor three years ago. I said that we will bring the trust back to government and make our democracy strong. Last year, we came very close to getting redistricting reform done so this year I know we can do it.”
In a speech three years ago (prior to being elected Governor) Arnold Schwarzenegger said, “reapportionment of state assembly and state senate seats should be done fairly so that no political party uses the process to distort democracy and electoral districts should be drawn for the benefit of the voters, not political intrigue and advantage.”
Political Reformers? Prove It!
Given that legislative Republicans have made impartial redistricting one of their top priorities in California, and given that the “bi-partisan” Governor has advanced a similar proposal, it is time for Democrats to prove that they are truthfully committed to political reform. Redistricting affects state legislative seats and congressional seats. As a Californian, Speaker-elect Pelosi has both a personal interest and a broader political interest in how districts are drawn in the Golden State. Embracing ACA 4 or the Governor’s proposal would demonstrate Representative Pelosi’s commitment to political reform; her commitment to fair elections. It is time for Speaker-elect Pelosi to call Speaker Villaraigosa and insist that impartial redistricting be placed before the voters of California with the full support of Democrats.
To do anything less means that even with all the lip-service about political reform, Speaker-elect Pelosi and California Democrats are no different than former
Congressman Tom DeLay.