Thursday, December 01, 2005

The First Post - An Explanation

I am not sure if this blog will ever take off, I don't think I have the time.

But, just in case it does, a little explanation is in order.

I have been involved in politics, specifically California, for over two decades - first as an avocation and eventually as a vocation. I've tried to escape, but got lured back again. I think of professional political life a little like a Mafia family; once you're in, you're in forever.

I chose OAF (OAFer wasn't available) as my blog name because of my roots in Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). YAF is a conservative youth organization founded at the Sharon, CT estate of William F. Buckley in 1960 (at which time the Sharon Statement was adopted). YAF membership and activism has shaped many political lives over the intervening 45 years.

Membership in YAF is limited to those under the age of 40 (and it should be 35). We used to opine that those who exceeded the age limit were not lost to the cause; they just migrated from being Young Americans for Freedom to being Old Americans for Freedom. I have exceeded the reasonable age limit, and henceforth will forever be an OAF (or OAFer). Make sense?

As stated previously, I doubt I will spend the time to develop this blog. But, then again, a place to vent my frustrations and perhaps pontificate upon my ideas may prove too much to ignore.

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