On the commentary side, why do the Democrats continue to allow Howard Dean to be their national chairman? Then again, he is a fair representative of national Democrat leaders (see quotes in my previous post: A National Party No More).
OAF Blog is intended to provide a place to vent and discuss California politics and policy. Torn between being a political guy and a policy wonk, I welcome both types of discussion. Of course, off topic subjects will be allowed as well. Like most others involved professionally in the world of politics, I have a variety of interests and will from time to time comment on those.
On the commentary side, why do the Democrats continue to allow Howard Dean to be their national chairman? Then again, he is a fair representative of national Democrat leaders (see quotes in my previous post: A National Party No More).
...why do the Democrats continue to allow Howard Dean to be their national chairman?
Gee, I dunno. Maybe because he was proven to have been right, and right early, about Iraq.
That lends his words now a little more power than all the Johnny-come-latelys who are just discovering what a quagmire it is--Golly, who could have known?
Well, Dean did, and that's the kind of man I want chairing my party.
I can appreciate a "true believer" even when the beliefs represent the far left. As such, I appreciate your comments.
Thank you for pointing out why Mr. Dean continues as the Chairman of the DNC. Not only do his irresponsible comments / views align with the national Democrat leaders, he does continue to speak to a large left-wing base within the Democrat party. Your comments shine a light on that reality.
I long for the day when Democrats were represented by people like John Kennedy and more recently, Zell Miller. But alas, those days are gone.
Ben Sir, There are those who blindly follow their party into ruin and I'm afraid you are one of them. Have you been watching the news? Pres. Bush is not only right on the money with where we are at, but now we are close to where we are soon to be in Iran. The next war is there, and very quickly. I am afraid your party can no longer stick your heads in the sand.
Of course the whole ad is a lie. Forgot to mention that.
"It goes almost without saying that some of the quotes from Democrats are taken out of context in a way that completely distorts their meanings. In the statement excerpted in the video, Kerry was not accusing U.S. soldiers of war crimes in Iraq. He was saying local police and military—not American forces—should be doing the difficult work of going into Iraqi homes in the dead of night, which is also the president's wish. This is the sentence Kerry uttered after the one the RNC uses: "Whether you like it or not, Iraqis should be doing that.""
You are correct in pointing out that Senator Kerry did go on to comment that the work of "terrorizing kids and children" (his words not mine) should be left to local Iraqi troops. But, he did use the term terroize and he did say it was our troops doing the terrorizing - that is not taken out of context.
The ad is not a lie, it points out a disturbing trend among national Democrats - a trend that places politics above our national interests.
Of course, I am still wondering why Senator Kerry is so worried about goats?
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