Friday, January 27, 2006

Getting It Right

From today's Roundup...

Guess who may get involved in California's next clemency hearing? No less than former special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, according to the Bee. "Starr could not be reached for comment Thursday. An ACLU press release said Starr is getting involved in the Morales case because the condemned inmate "immediately took responsibility for his actions, was distraught with remorse and has made impressive and consistent efforts to atone for his crime while in prison."

See Bill? All you had to do was take some responsibility.

The Roundup commentary (See Bill?...) is absolutely true - they get it right! Had President Clinton actually just admitted to his affairs and not perjured himself in sworn testimony, he never would have been impeached. I also think that while most people would have been disgusted by the President having sex with an intern in the oval office, they would have probably forgiven a truly repentant President. Bottom line, Bill Clinton's scandalous behavior was not the cause of his impeachment; it was his unwillingness to take responsibility for that behavior that led him to commit felony perjury in a court of law. I don't know if the Roundup staff realized it, but what they wrote is absolutely correct.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taking responsibility though, as any good parent teaches, means asking forgiveness, admitting you were wrong, and showing remorse. I do not believe that Bill Clinton thought of any of those things. Ken Starr, though a well thought of prosecutor did not gleen all the facts, due to constant interfearance and criminal acts from the Clintons'. Both Hil and Bill should be in jail.