Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Socialized Preschool: Where Are the Democrats?

Speaking today at the California Manufacturers & Technology Association luncheon Senate Pro Tempore Don Perata commented that one of his tasks this year is to reign in his caucus. He told the audience that he has informed members of the caucus that “they can be as liberal as they want to be,” but that they would have to restrain some of their big spending ideas for the time being (this was in the context of running up bond debt and still being fiscally responsible).

While I found the comment interesting, what I found truly fascinating was the way in which the Senate leader seemed to bemoan outside spending proposals like the Reiner socialized preschool initiative; it seemed that Senator Perata was genuinely concerned about the impact of the $2.4 billion scheme.

It was then that I began to wonder... will Democrat leaders in this state have the courage to come out in opposition to the Reiner socialized preschool initiative? Or, will they quietly complain about it among Sacramento insiders, and remain silent otherwise to avoid upsetting their leftwing political base?

1 comment:

glennis said...

the short answer is no, and then, yes. sadly