Monday, February 06, 2006

Susan Kennedy A Look at the Left's Response

For those who think that only Republicans are upset about Governor Schwarzenegger appointing a pro-abortion zealot and the former Executive Director of the California Democrat Party as his chief of staff, take a moment to read this little tidbit from the left.

Here's an exceprt from Phoblographer*

I certainly don't agree with calls for law banning anyone paid with taxpayer money from campaign work on the side. For most people lower than Kennedy, it's a necessary way to supplement meager salaries. And, frankly, a certain level of shared experience between the two sides of public service is necessary.

But on a substantive level, Kennedy doing this work? Please. She's a lifelong Democrat who has chosen to play for the wrong team. A team with a proven record of failure. How can it be worth it? For any of us?

Read the full post here.

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