OAKLAND — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appreciates the Republican lieutenant governor nominee's opinion that the infrastructure bonds on next week's ballot are a mistake but believes he's "totally wrong."
"If you went with his way of thinking, you would never rebuild California," the governor said Thursday of state Sen. Tom McClintock as he visited the Port of Oakland to stump for the $37 billion bond package." (Read the full story here.)
The Governor does little without thorough review and scripting through his handlers, it is not likely that he took a shot at Tom McClintock on the eve of the election without realizing that it would hurt Senator McClintock’s chances of besting his liberal Democrat opponent on Tuesday. Such calculated attacks on GOP candidates are a clear indicator that this Governor is all about “this Governor;” he's not a team player, and certainly he's not a GOP leader.
A party leader would not stifle the electoral hopes of a leading GOP candidate who will be in position to carry the GOP standard as a gubernatorial candidate in 2010.
The Sounds of Silence

What about Coat-Tails?
Perhaps one could argue that Governor Schwarzenegger’s campaign for re-election has provided coat-tails, and that despite his lack of Party-building those coat-tails qualify him to be California’s GOP leader. Not so; if beating one of the mighty Lilliputians by a wide margin somehow translates into GOP victories in California on the down ticket races it will be a nice byproduct of the Schwarzenegger victory, but it will not be the result of anything Governor Schwarzenegger has done to assist those candidates. Party leadership requires that the leader engages affirmatively not just to promote his own self interest, but to also develop and build the bench for the future.
The Governor’s attack on Tom McClintock and his silence on Chuck Poochigian are clear evidence that he is not a leader; he is merely a self-promoter.
1 comment:
I will be voting for Senators McClintock and Poochigian on Tuesday, however, in light of the Governor's snub of Tom McClintock, I will be abstaining from casting a vote in the Gubenatorial Race
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