Lefties for Schwarzenegger
Some simple questions for Susan Kennedy
A few answers from the governor’s new COS might reduce the heat on her boss; alternatively, she could simply do a Harriet Meiers.
William E. Saracino is a member of California Political Review’s editorial board.
Now that Gov. Schwarzenegger has made clear the qualifications to be a governor’s chief of staff (COS), I am preparing my resume in case California voters elect Democrats Phil Angelides or Steve Westley governor next year. Based on the justifications given by the Schwarzenegger spin-meisters for hiring liberal Democrat Susan Kennedy as his COS, I’d be a perfect fit for Angelides or Westley.
I’ve never been a registered Democrat, have never worked to help or elect any Democrat, and in fact have spent my entire adult life working against the interests of Democrat politicians and office holders. A fair reading of my public record would be that I loathe most everything the modern Democrat Party represents. I am, essentially, a mirror image of Ms. Kennedy, whose relationship to Republicans pretty much matches mine with Democrats.
As Wall Street Journal writer John Fund (like me, a Schwarzenegger supporter during the recall) recently pointed out, Susan Kennedy is not just any liberal Democrat. She has been on the front lines battling Republicans and our ideas most of her adult life, including stints as California Democrat Party COS and president of the California Abortion Rights Action League. She was cabinet secretary for Gray Davis when some of the most ethically questionable of his many ethically questionable Capitol deals took place.
This is the person Arnold Schwarzenegger wants us to believe is the best choice among California’s 35 million citizens to be his chief of staff. On the surface, that assertion seems ludicrous, laughable, and a slap in the face to every registered Republican in the state. But as one who took a great deal of guff from fellow conservatives for supporting him in the recall, and one who still wishes him well, I am for this column prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt — if Ms. Kennedy can answer the following questions.
*On recall election day you were a political appointee of Gov. Gray Davis. How did you vote on the recall question, and for whom did you vote in the candidate section of the ballot? If your answers are “yes” and “Arnold Schwarzenegger,” why should anyone trust someone who would betray their sponsor like that? And if your answers are “no” and “Cruz Bustamante,” why should any Republican trust your judgment?
*You have said an early political “hero” of yours was Jane Fonda. Did you ever publicly disagree or distance yourself from her treasonous actions in North Vietnam? If not, why not? Do you disagree with her description of American POWS held in the “Hanoi Hilton” as “liars” when they described being tortured? If so, please point us to a source where we can find this disagreement expressed.
*The California Abortion Rights Action League, madam ex-president, opposes any restriction on the barbaric practice known as “partial birth abortion.” Do you agree with that position? Gov. Schwarzenegger has said he would sign legislation banning this procedure. If such a bill were to reach his desk, what would your sign/veto recommendation to him be?
*The California Democrat Party’s official platform, madam ex-chief of staff, states that it “opposes use of divisive words like ‘illegal’ in front of immigrant, calling instead for use of the word “undocumented.” Do you agree with this?
*The platform also opposes what it calls “imposition of religious beliefs or preferences on others.” Many interpret this to mean, among other things, that the Party opposes keeping “under God” in the pledge and “in God we trust” on our coins. Do you disagree with these Party positions, and if so, please point us to a source where we can find this disagreement expressed.
*Most of your Party’s elected officials support issuing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Do you disagree with them? If so, please point us to a source where we can find this disagreement expressed.
Ms. Kennedy, these are all pretty simple questions. Gov. Schwarzenegger says he appointed you COS because you and he are of the same mindset. He would have no difficulties answering these questions. How about you?
If you can’t answer them, please do a Google search on Harriet Meiers, then follow her example: do the honorable thing.
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