One would think that after all of his years in public life, the junior senator from Massachusetts would know that saying "don't tell anyone I said that" is a sure-fire way to guarantee wide-spread distribution of the comment. It is a little like stamping "confidential" on a memo, and then leaving a copy of the memo on the photocopier in a public hallway.
Either the Senator is not very bright or he is just bright enough to know that calling for impeachment of the President would overshadow his calling our soldiers in Iraq terrorists. Either way, I am more convinced than ever that the United States would not be well served with John Kerry in the White House.

The Israeli officer, Lieutenant General Moshe Yaalon, asserted that Saddam spirited his chemical weapons out of the country on the eve of the war. "He transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria," General Yaalon told The New York Sun over dinner in New York on Tuesday night. "No one went to Syria to find it."
From July 2002 to June 2005, when he retired, General Yaalon was chief of staff of the Israel Defense Force, the top job in the Israeli military, analogous to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the American military. He is now a military fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He made similar, but more speculative, remarks in April 2004 that attracted little notice in America; at that time he was quoted as saying of the Iraqi weapons, "Perhaps they transferred them to another country, such as Syria."
The full story is here.
1 comment:
They ought to be more careful, with pictures like these Kerry and Edwards may just end up on a gay website (reference: the website that falsely claims Vigo Mortenson is gay).
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