Maybe the headline should read...This "Jedi Mind Trick" Aint Workin'...
You have to read
Jon Fleischman's commentary which, notwithstanding headlines like... "
Governor, GOP say their spat is over," tells a story that suggests the Susan Kennedy controversy is far from over (and explains the frivolity above).
Jon's commentary is particularly poignant because of his background as Executive Director of the California Republican Party and his ability to speak to those involved in the meeting. His commentary is
must reading.
Jon Fleischman is just a hack that seeks to promote himself with his flashreport. He was a lousy director for the republican party and is using his webpage to promote himself so he can run for office.
Coastal Elephant,
My first instict was to delete your personal attack on Jon Fleischman because I do not want this forum to become a mirror of the all-to-often caddy HNF. I also am tempted to delete the comment because it is absolutely untrue. I have known Jon for many years and have worked with him in more than one capacity. He is honorable, and has dedicated his life to advancing conservatism and the Republican party.
My final decision to leave your comment serves two purposes. First, to state my high regard for Jon Fleischman. Second, to anyone else who reads this blog - I do not like personal attacks and will always exercise my authority to delete them. Please keep comments on point and above board.
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