Could it really be his knowledge of “the issues” that makes Steve Poizner the best qualified Republican to run for IC? Is it believable that Poizner has a better grasp of insurance issues than Dr. Phil Kurzner? Not likely.

But wait, you say, IC is not a position that requires a philosophical conservative – it requires a bright, business-oriented mind and philosophy doesn’t matter. Maybe…well, no. First, it is a given that those who are “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” are the first to capitulate their “fiscal conservatism” for pragmatic fee, tax and regulatory “compromises.” The fact that they are less likely to be grounded in a philosophy allows them to cast aside first principles, well, because they have none. Second, if Mr. Poizner were only going to run for IC then maybe it would be reasobable to support him. But, come on, do you really think that this is the pinnacle of his political ambition? And, are we going to go down the road of supporting very wealthy liberals who register as Republicans just so we can “get the win” - again?
Outside of losing to Ira Ruskin in the 21st Assembly District in 2004, Poizner’s only other public political activity has been playing “point man” for Proposition 77 (redistricting) – a proposition that Representative Doolittle vehemently opposed. Unless of course, you count political contributions as public political activity, and in that case the story for Poizner is not good…He gave $21,000 to Al Gore in 2000 ($1,000 to the election, $10,000 to the Democrat Nat’l Cmte., and $10,000 for the legal fund to challenge the election result), $2,000 to John Kerry in 2004 (Mrs. Poizner also gave $2,000 for a total of $4,000) – that was while he was the Republican nominee for Assembly in the 21st AD. To be fair, Mr. Poizner did manage to get $2,000 to George Bush in 2004, which I guess makes up for the $25,000 he gave against the President.
I have not been surprised by some of the establishment conservatives that have endorsed Mr. Poizner for IC. They have traditionally been seduced by millionaire / billionaire candidates who can throw money around for the Party and other candidates. I am surprised by Representative Doolittle’s endorsement however, because the last time I checked he came from the team of Senator H.L. Richardson, was steeped in the tradition of President Reagan and believed that ideas (and philosophy) matter.
Is this endorsement a sign that the wheels are coming off? Say it aint so, John.
1 comment:
Let's just hope it is just a tank of bad gas the Congressman bought at ARCO last month.
Ahhh, I'm only trying to kid myself. California is in for a disaster.
Fool 4 You, Baby
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