Those who so often claim to be "moderate" Republicans, meaning they are socially liberal and fiscally conservative more often than not turn out to just be liberals. They will "hold the line" on fiscal matters for a while, but they are almost always the first to "compromise" when push comes to shove. Below is a letter written in 1998 signed by then-Brea Mayor Lynn Daucher opposing the repeal of the car tax. Two years later, by taking advantage of the blanket primary and seeking Democrat votes to win the Republican nomination, Ms. Daucher won an Orange County Assembly seat in 2000. Termed out at the end of 2006, Ms. Daucher is seeking the Republican nomination for the 34th Senate District. This time she will have to run in a closed primary and she will face Assemblyman Van Tran, a stalwart Republican and popular conservative. The letter by Ms. Daucher opposing the repeal of the car tax will not help her.

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