Thursday, December 01, 2005

Stephen Frank's Open Letter to the Governor

For those who do not know Stephen Frank, I encourage you to read his biography. Thank you Steve for permission to reprint this...

An Open Letter to the Governor,

Governor, your appointment of Susan Kennedy as your Chief of Staff has taken your friends and supporters by surprise. We understood you wanted to be a different type of Governor, we know that the incivility, disrespectful and "blood sport" of Sacramento has harmed you, your family and the people of California. The constant demonizing of your efforts to Reform and Rebuild California hurt you, our children, our jobs and our ability to correct the ills of the Gray Davis Administration.

The 2003 Recall was based on a couple of factors. You benefited from being an outsider with new ideas and ways of handling them that would not be Republican or Democrat, but Californian. Yes, we also understood that on some key social issues we disagreed, but California was at stake and the reputation of honest government had been smeared by Gray Davis and his Administration.

With that in mind, many of your friends and supporters, your base of support, are confused by this appointment.

1. We wanted to Recall Davis because of corruption, he came by the nickname "Pay for Play Davis" with hard work and deeds. Yet, Susan Kennedy is the person who signed the memo for the $93 million phony Oracle contract that had to be revoked because of the smell of corruption. She was also in the room when Davis demanded a one million dollar contribution to his campaign from the CTA. Worse, this was done in the State Capitol, a legal offense. Yet, she said nothing. While some are defending her as "evolving", this occurred less than three years ago. The
Kennedy appointment is confusing to those who wanted honesty brought back into government. Her role was on the stage, not an observer, of the Davis "Pay for Play" efforts.

2. We wanted to Recall Davis because of bad policies. Susan Kennedy was the Cabinet Secretary that played a major role in developing the failed Davis energy policies, refused to reform Workers Compensation and oversaw the Davis deficit budgets that will harm California for at least a generation. That happened in the past six years. Therefore, this appointment is confusing to those harmed by the Davis response to the energy crisis, the budget deficits and the anti-business policies of Davis.

3. This selection is also very confusing to your friends and supporters that want, and need you to succeed politically, i.e., to win re-election next year. Kennedy's people will not walk precincts for you, write letters to the editor in your support, put signs on their lawns, or make phone calls. They will help defeat you. Remember, Susan Kennedy got her start in politics by working for Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda. and, while Kennedy has changed her style, she has not changed her politics.

Governor, this appointment is a firestorm, in a negative way, among those you need to help you get re-elected--they will not be there for you or the Party next November. This could cause us not only to lose all the Constitutional offices but legislative seats as well. How? Because if folks don't come to the polls to vote for you, they won't be voting for the rest of the Team as well.
You stated that you wanted a capable, organized person as Chief of Staff, you also wanted one that can run a meeting and give you briefing papers in the style you need. Then you said you could not find a Republican to fill this bill. The GOP is hearing you say that no Republican is qualified to do the job. Are the Democrats cat calls be far behind that say no Republicans can be a legislator?

How do you ask someone to join a political party that has no qualified people to organize meetings?

In the Sacramento Bee 12-01-05 your Senate leader said this, "She was the wrong pick for chief of staff," said Irvine Republican Dick Ackerman, the minority leader in the state Senate. "First of all, she's a Democrat, and a Republican should have a Republican chief of staff. And second, she was Gray Davis' (Cabinet secretary). She was there when a lot of his policy was being developed that led to his recall. Those aren't the best credentials."

In a comment you made, you said that 95% of the people you had on a conference call, your staff set up, was supportive of your appointment. I would humbly suggest that you call the GOP county chairs from around the state, the volunteer leaders from around the state, those volunteers and small donors that helped you in the Recall and the Special. I have received hundreds of emails from them, none - not one - that was supportive. Other political leaders and bloggers have the same experience. No one has the experience of large number of supporters for this appointment.

Governor please make other calls. Read the blogs and the emails flooding your office. Note the hesitation among leaders to give this appointment a strong endorsement. Remember why you ran in the Recall and why the voters wanted Gray Davis out of office. It is not too late.

Steve Frank

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